Chapter 507

When Xiao'er returned home, a maid rushed over and informed her that the Sixth Prince had arrived.

"Where is the Sixth Prince now?"

"He's in the flower hall playing chess with the eldest young master."

Having heard this, Xiao'er headed for the flower hall, asking in passing, "Has my father come back from the office yet? And my mother?"

"The master has not returned yet, but your mother is in the kitchen."

It must be because Shangguan Xuanyi is visiting. Mrs. Liu, despite her burgeoning belly, would go into the kitchen herself out of concern.

Mrs. Liu, like any mother-in-law scrutinizing her future son-in-law, found herself more and more satisfied. Every time Shangguan Xuanyi visited the mansion, she would personally oversee the meal.

Xiao'er entered the flower hall. Seeing her walk in, Shangguan Xuanyi came over and gave her a smile. Then he placed a black chess piece on the board, immediately clinching victory.