Chapter 525

Xiao'er looked at Shangguan Xuanyi, and he gave her a reassuring smile: Don't worry, I'm not one to be easily schemed against.

Xiao'er returned him with a smile.

"How come there are beads on the ground?" Shangguan Ruixi asked with a furrowed brow.

"This servant does not know," the maid replied with her head lowered.

She was on the verge of tears; if she had known there were beads on the ground, she would not have stepped on them.

"Did anyone pick up the beads from the ground? Let's see who they belong to!" Shangguan Ruixi asked. He didn't believe this was an accident!

Shangguan Ruixi looked at Shangguan Xuanyi, who kept a poker face. Who was behind this, and who was the target was still unknown.

Ahem… Young Master Fang's rotund face and large ears didn't seem like something anyone in their right mind would want to scheme against.