"How will Chun'an and Chunkang be able to get married with an old maid in the house?"

"If a woman can't even accept my sister, then such a wife isn't worth taking!" Du Chun'an retorted coldly.

"Even if you don't marry, Chunkang needs to!" Chunkang was her only son, the child she had yearned for day and night after marrying into Du mansion, and whom she finally gave birth to five years later. He was her treasure; how could she accept him not getting married!

That Du Chunkang was her heart and liver, was only Mrs. Gu's own belief. In fact, everyone felt that the Gu family was her heart, her liver, and even her spleen, lung, and stomach!

"Enough, shut up! It hasn't reached that stage yet. Only a few of us know about this, and if no one talks about it, who will know! Let's treat today's incident as if it never happened. The servants are all just speculating, nobody saw anything with their own eyes. Those who gossip about it will be sent away!"