Chapter 539

After more than half a month passed, the long-awaited Dragon Boat Festival finally arrived.

On that day, the weather was good and the sunshine was warm, and people stood along the banks.

Since the Fifth Princess and Princess Wanru were also participating in the race, the Emperor, the Empress Dowager, and the Empress all came to the Huai River Bridge to watch the competition.

This was the only princess of the Emperor, his beloved treasure!

Moreover, the Fifth Princess boasted that she would win a top ranking, saying their paddling skills were excellent, no worse than the men. This even piqued the interest of the Empress Dowager, who, with her advanced age, wasn't as inclined to move around.

A platform was set up in the center of the Huai River Bridge, topped with a shade tent, where the three most respected individuals in the world sat.

Behind each of them stood a maid, fanning them with a round fan.