Di Shaowei choked on his tea when he heard this, using inner strength to start a fire? What a ridiculous thing to say!

Even the most powerful inner strength can't start a fire!

Feng Qing and Yang Liu also thought it was ridiculous. Since when can inner strength create fire?

"Alright." Shangguan Xuanyi didn't understand why Xiao'er said that, but he knew there must be some reason for her instructions.

Shangguan Xuanyi held the stove and began to channel his inner strength into it.

Di Shaowei covered his eyes, that fool, he'll do anything that little girl tells him to do!

Xiao'er watched Shangguan Xuanyi calmly with a smile.

The others saw the confident expressions on the two faces and began to become anxious. Had Shangguan Xuanyi become so powerful that he could start a fire using only his inner strength?

Wasn't I supposed to be the martial arts prodigy? Since when did Shangguan Xuanyi surpass me so much?!

Before everyone's doubting eyes, a spark of fire appeared.