Chapter 596

After retiring from the Government Office, Shen Chengyao had planned to return directly home. Strictly speaking, unless he had to check on the shop or inspect the crops on the farm, he would always go straight home. He was truly a henpecked husband, embodying an extreme of those loving husbands who are always dutiful to their wives.

Halfway home on his carriage, a woman suddenly darted out of the alley, almost going under the wheels of his carriage.

Another woman was chasing after her.

Seeing that his carriage almost hit someone, Shen Chengyao got off. The woman, seeing him get off the carriage, grabbed his clothes and knelt down crying, "Young master, save me! I don't want to be sold to the brothel. Please save me!"

"Miss, please compose yourself! I could be your father, stop calling me a young master!" Shen Chengyao promptly pulled back his clothes. This was conduct unbefitting in such a public place, he thought.

The woman: ...