Chapter 600

Rou'er, the maid, had a good idea. She went to the lakeside and sat for a while. As expected, a patrolling servant saw her sitting alone there and came over to ask why she was there.

She told him the explanation she had thought of beforehand, and the servant walked away without further questioning.

It was quite normal for a person sold into servitude to miss their family during festivals. He had also felt that longing and resentment before.

It soon reached the late hours of the night, and it was time for Rou'er to return.

On her way, she didn't encounter anyone else.

When she was almost at the study, she indeed saw Shen Haiqiang walking out, heading toward the stable.

She waited until he had walked far away, and she could no longer see his figure, before she hurriedly ran to the study door, pushed it open, and walked in.

She didn't dare to turn on the light, but she could make out the scene in the room through the faint moonlight streaming in through the window.