Xiao'er handed another hook needle to each of them to deal with the tiny green skin that was left.

The onlookers looked at the walnut in their hands and then at their own pair of walnuts! It was indeed better than any of the dozen or so they had opened themselves!

Good goods are indeed not cheap, and cheap goods are not good!

The spectators were not calm anymore, they began to urge Jingrui and the others to quickly pick out the remaining tiny green skin.

They wanted to see just how good this walnut was!

Some of the quicker ones could not wait and went straight to the basket to pick out green-skinned walnuts. Only then did they realize that these baskets of green-skinned walnuts looked really big and good!

Now they gained some experience - the bigger the green-skinned walnut, the better.

Xiao'er occasionally gave some advice on the side.