Chapter 651

After hearing Jingrui's words, Xiao'er propped her chin up with one hand, leaning half of her body on the small carriage table. She looked at Jingrui with a mischievous expression, her eyes filled with cunning. "Elder brother seems to know Miss Zhu quite well? What kind of household could raise a lady like her?"

Jingrui instinctively avoided Xiao'er's gaze, his blushing ear tips stealthily creeping up to the color of the red sunset. "I found Miss Zhu to be kind-hearted and courageous. This must be due to her being well-educated at home."

"Oh ...somewhat reasonable!" Xiao'er deliberately stretched her voice, exaggerating her tone, then heavily nodded.

Zhao Yong outside the carriage: What a naughty lady!

Jingrui wasn't sure why he felt an uncontrollable impulse to flee, but indeed he acted upon it: "It's quite hot in the carriage, I'll ride the horse."

After leaving these words hanging, Jingrui lifted the carriage curtain and jumped off.