After drinking a sip of tea, Mrs. Liu began to present the gifts she had brought: "It's been many years since I returned and these gifts are just a small token of my feelings. Many of them are from our villa and workshop, and they are not worth much in silver. I hope you won't find them disdainful."

Mrs. Liu gifted each elder a roll of brocade, considering their village life, it was not the finest brocade, but still of good quality. In addition, she also presented the main family members, including Shen Jingfu and Mrs. Ji, with materials to make clothing for themselves. The Shen family's main lineage was neatly trimmed, with only male heirs for two consecutive generations.

There were also various dried fruits, candied fruits, fresh fruits, and other foods included.

Jingrui and Jinghao presented their elder cousin with a pair of well-made bows and arrows.

Xiao'er brought out some silk flowers and a pair of silver bracelets to gift to her cousin's wife.