Chapter 684

Seeing that her mother did not take her words seriously, Lin Miaoyan could only sigh and let it go. The days ahead were long, and her mother would eventually see her determination!

But how should she proceed to attract the notice of the Sixth Prince?

If she could make the Sixth Prince fall in love with her and seek her parents' permission to marry her, her mother would no longer think that marrying the Sixth Prince was a misfortune.

Lin Miaoyan fell into deep meditation.

At this moment, the aroma of food wafted through the air, sparking an idea: she should start by dining with the Sixth Prince! This way, she could observe what he liked to eat and learn to cook it for him.

"Mother, I'm hungry. Let's invite the Marquis Shengping's wife and others to join us for the meal!" She said, knowing that the Sixth Prince would likely dine with the group from the Marquis Shengping's Mansion.

However, the Sixth Prince may not think to invite her and her mother.