Lin Miaoyan knew that Xiao'er would be returning home today, so she had been waiting not too far from the Sixth Prince's Mansion since early morning.

Her only objective was to steal another glance at the man she had been constantly thinking about.

As their carriage traveled to Marquis Shengping's Mansion, she relocated to stay nearby and wait.

She ended up waiting for the majority of the day.

Shangguan Xuanyi helped Xiao'er into the carriage, but Xiao'er glanced at the shadow lurking not far away, slightly frowning. What was Lin Miaoyan up to? It was one thing to wait near the Sixth Prince's Mansion in the morning, but why was she still here? Did she really think they couldn't see her? Xiao'er silently cursed her for being psychologically deranged before promptly getting into the carriage.