Chapter 705

Such lack of shame could only come from someone of humble origins!

The Empress Dowager recalled the report from her informant in the Sixth Prince's Mansion: The prince and his consort, Shen Xiao'er, barely left their rooms since returning. They even had their meals in the dead of night.

What on earth could they be doing, holed up in their room all day, unconcerned about meal times!

The Empress Dowager glared at Shen Xiao'er's enchanting face, her grandson was completely charmed by this girl!

Perhaps she needed to introduce some more beautiful concubines to her grandson to divert some of his attention from Shen Xiao'er!

Otherwise, what would become of a prince who was more interested in beauty over his kingdom!

"Ahem, no need to try too hard, excessive indulgence harms one's health!"

Shen Xiao'er responded with a barely noticeable twitch at the corner of her mouth, "The Empress Dowager is indeed correct!"