Chapter 710

Seeing that Fu Ranhui had no words to answer to Princess Ling'er's sharp retort, Xiao'er spoke, "What if I can get a pig to herd sheep, then what will you do?"

So what if sheep could understand pig's sounds! Her sheep could understand pig's sounds!

Not only could they understand pig's sounds, but also the cries of chickens, geese, cats, dogs, and birds!

Humph! Trying to mooch off me and still complaining so much, it's really too much. Not teaching her a lesson wouldn't match Xiao'er's style of doing things!

"If you can get a pig to herd sheep, I'll go herd sheep like that pig!" Princess Ling'er said arrogantly!

Everyone knows that pigs are the dumbest, and when people describe someone's stupidity, they tend to say 'as dumb as a pig'. She really doesn't believe that a pig can herd sheep!

"Fine, a deal it is!" Sneered Xiao'er inwardly, ha! Just wait and see how you become more ignorant than a pig in front of everyone!