Chapter 716

"What did you say just now? Did you lie to your darling husband, huh?" Shangguan Xuanyi towered over her, his face filled with mischievousness.

What's this about 'your darling husband'?

Xiao'er's eyes widened. Was this something a conservative ancient person would say?

"Have you no shame?"

"No. Other facial expressions aren't good for a meal, nor do they marry wives. Right, your darling husband is still angry." He pointed to his own face.

The message was very clear.


Xiao'er was shocked by his shamelessness and her eyes widened again.

This man has changed!

Ignoring her shock, Shangguan Xuanyi leaned towards her ear and whispered in his cool, magnetic voice, "If you do as your letter of apology states, I won't be mad at you anymore."

Written in the letter of apology?

Xiao'er suddenly felt like she had shot herself in the foot.

He can stay angry then!

Anyway, his anger won't affect her!

"I will make it up to you some other day." Xiao'er lied.