Chapter 718

Buy beef jerky to poison rats? Not a single person present believed such a feeble excuse.

It was plain to see that this master and servant were as stubborn as mules!

"Then, why were you holding a bag of poisoned beef jerky, bypassing the guardrail, approaching the fence, and even trying to open the bag? Is it your hobby to eat poisoned jerky while watching a tiger?" Xiao'er, disregarding Princess Ling'er, asked Ruxue coldly.

Ruxue: "..." Who would have such a hobby of eating poisoned jerky while watching tigers!

She glanced at Xiao'er, then quickly looked away. She always felt that under the gaze of the Sixth Prince's wife, all her thoughts would be seen through.

"Nothing to say, right? Take her to the prison, let Master Fu Yin interrogate her thoroughly. Why did she want to poison the tiger at the zoo!" When Xiao'er said this, she was looking at Princess Ling'er.

"Yes, Princess." Yang Liu obediently complied, stepping forward to grab Ruxue and drag her away.