After leaving Prince Rui's Mansion, Fu Ranhui saw Shangguan Ruixi talking to his servant at the side.

"Master, Miss Du poured out the medicine you sent over tonight. She said she'd throw anything away if it was brought again, and asked me not to deliver it."

"If she pours it out, then brew another bowl and send it over again. Keep doing this until you see her drinking it yourself! If she doesn't drink it, you don't have to come back!" After Shangguan Ruixi finished speaking, he prepared to mount his horse.

Fu Ranhui walked over to Shangguan Ruixi, "Cousin Xuanyi."

Shangguan Ruixi turned around and seeing it was Fu Ranhui, he nodded: "Are you going back to the Princess Mansion now?"

After he finished speaking, he angrily scolded the servant who stood foolishly at the side, "What are you waiting for–go now!"

"Yes." His servant, looking unhappy, hurriedly mounted the horse, and trudged sadly back to the mansion to brew another batch of medicine.