Xiao'er and the woman were not paying attention to what the doctor was saying, He Lanzhi was making sarcastic remarks on the side, but they were too concerned to take any notice of her.

"Madam, no, you're doing it wrong, let me do it!" Xiao'er saw that the woman's actions were incorrect. Disregarding Shangguan Xuanyi's displeasure, she knew saving a life was paramount.

The woman quickly made way, trusting Xiao'er because she and another had risked their own lives to save her child from the water. She believed they would certainly do their best to save her child! Plus, they had proven their capabilities when they rushed through earlier; wouldn't it be normal for capable people to possess some unusual lifesaving methods?

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the woman: how foolish, she couldn't even save her own daughter.

But this time, he didn't stop Xiao'er, although he felt downhearted.