Chapter 773

Her own stepmother actually stooped so low as to steal her stepdaughter's dowry. If such a matter were to break out in Prince An's Mansion and everyone there learned of it, how could she show her face in the mansion anymore! Anger surged unceasingly within Du Yijin's heart.

"No, I must return home!" Du Yijin, unable to restrain herself, stood up to leave.

What if the ancestral jade bangle of Prince An's Mansion was taken by Mrs. Gu to repay gambling debts?

Such a thing was not unprecedented for Mrs. Gu! If Mrs. Gu did take it to the pawnshop to convert it into silver to repay gambling debts, they could not possibly not redeem the ancestral jade bangle, otherwise, then everyone in the Imperial City would know about this matter!

If so, it wouldn't just be her losing face, but she would also end up disgracing the entire Prince An Mansion!

The mere thought of such a possibility filled Du Yijin with fear, and her face turned pale.