After the director of the Imperial Hospital had finished feeling Xiao'er's pulse with one hand, he asked Xiao'er to extend her other hand.

If Xiao'er didn't know that her body was in good health, she would almost doubt if she had contracted some complex disease!

But seeing his seriousness, she was a little worried that he could detect the private space she carries! Surely this couldn't be possible! She had never heard of a pulse inspection being able to reveal the space inside a body! How unsettling!

If she had known it would be like this, she wouldn't have offered herself up earlier in the interests of everyone's harmonious and happy atmosphere!

Even the usually composed Shangguan Xuanyi was unsettled after seeing the doctor take Xiao'er's pulse for such a long time!

But what worried him was Xiao'er's health.

Finally, the director of the Imperial Hospital finished feeling the pulse.