Chapter 871_1

The older one gets, the more afraid of death they become. The Nangong Emperor's wounds, according to the imperial doctor, posed a risk of festering due to the hot weather. If these were not healed soon, complications could quickly arise, and he was not to meet his end so soon.

After a moment of silence, Nangong Emperor finally spoke, "Alright, I agree with you. But you must not lay a finger on my Nangong Country's territory!"

Xiao'er, feeble and head hung low, revealed a mocking smile. She knew he was afraid of death, so he was sure to agree.

"Alright." Shangguan Xuanyi's expression barely shifted in response to the Emperor's words, as if he had predicted this answer— he turned to Gong Qinghua: "Your Majesty, the Second Prince carries a bottle of medicine. Inside, there are three pills; one for healing wounds, another for detoxifying, and the last for curing diseases. What I'm asking for is that you would give me the disease-curing pill."