Chapter 990_1

Fang Wanping went out today to have a tooth extraction, but she didn't expect to see such a sight. The man riding the white horse was exceedingly handsome!

Which family's son is this? She knew all the sons from notable families in the Imperial City.

Fang Wanping was stunned as she watched him ride his horse up to a carriage. She recognized that carriage even if it were ashes—it belonged to Prince Rui's Mansion!

Then, she saw the bewitching beauty of Princess Rui.

She truly was a vixen! She was already married, yet she was flirting with another man in broad daylight! Fang Wanping couldn't help but spit in disgust.

Madam Fang admired the long line of carriages, envy in her voice, "Who is this, with so many gifts in tow? Is he proposing to someone's daughter?"

She had married several men in her life, all from wealthy or noble families, yet none of them had ever boasted such grandeur!