Chapter 1026_1

Twelve glared at Eighteen's cowardly demeanor, wishing he could just kill him. There was no way he was partnering with him again, Eighteen could give him a fit of rage!

"Master! Princess!" They all bowed in respect.

"How long have you been trapped here?" Xiao'er asked, glancing at everyone's bruises and scrapes.

"Half a day. We discovered the room was empty near noon." Twelve admitted with a hint of shame.

Those people were still active in the courtyard in the morning. The men, as usual, went to fetch water from the river early in the morning and filled the tank at home. Then, they went to cut a bunch of bamboo from the bamboo forest to make a chicken coop.

As soon as it dawned, the women watered and plucked vegetables from the garden. After breakfast, everyone continued with their own chores. The ladies stitched embroidery in the courtyard, the men crafted bamboo, the child played with his slingshot, and a baby sucked on his fingers inside the cradle.