The maids arrived in the chamber not too long after that. When the prince came carrying a damsel who was slightly covered in blood and unconscious, they were all very shocked and perplexed.

Did the prince not travel to Enebelle to take part in the phoenix massacre? He brought one back, but why?

Entering the chamber, Estelle and Jessica were taken aback to see the phoenix curled up in a corner of the chamber with her head buried in her knees. They exchanged a startled look before turning to face the phoenix, which was still unaware of them.

Estelle, the head maid, was assigned to give her a bath and change her into a loose, comfortable outfit. Being honest, she was expecting to see an injury after noticing the blood on the phoenix's body earlier, but she didn't. The blood was nevertheless incredible... wildy intoxicating. She hoarded the cloth for herself without shame.

"Hello there, my lady," Estelle summoned the bravery to speak.

"..huh?" Eleanor looked up at the female vampires standing near the chamber's entrance, her eyes somewhat puffy and full of tears. They appeared to be in their mid-twenties and didn't bother to hide their red eyes which terrified her.

Trembling, she rose up, pressing her back against the wall. Her eyes dilated with fear and rage. "St.. stay away from me." She uttered in a low voice.

Taking note of her countenance, Estelle took a step forward. "We are only here to look after you, my lady. We mean no harm. We have been designated as your personal maids." She said in a calm tone.

Eleanor, however, was not having it. She refused to be touched by any vampire, no matter what. She didn't give a damn whether or not they meant harm! These creatures had robbed her of everything!

She shook her head. "Do not come close."

Estelle glanced at Jessica who was staring at the terrified looking phoenix with pity. "What shall we do? It is clear that she is shocked, and his highness must have hurt her badly. If we disobey his orders, we will perish by his hands."

Jessica let out a long sigh. "I believe she is his blood slave. He must have hurt her because of how afraid she seemed to be. This is not good."

Eleanor shut her eyes, climbed into bed, and wrapped the blanket over her entire body. She took a long breath to calm herself, but her panic persisted. After all, there were currently two vampire maids in the chamber.

She missed Greta. She missed her parents. She wanted to hear their voices. She was uncomfortable with these persistently bad emotions that she was not used to.

"My lady, we mean no harm. We are your personal maids." She heard one of the maids say in a calm tone.

"I don't wish for a vampire touching me." Eleanor muttered, squeezing her eyes shut. "Monsters."

"His highness is um... Quite the definition of that." One of the maids said with obvious concern in her voice.

Eleanor's eyes flickered open, gleaming gently in the darkness of the duvet. She recalled those words which complemented that rich, thick voice and those sharp, sardonic silver eyes brimming with mirth.

"He..." Trailing off, she pushed the duvet off her body and settled into a sitting position. "Who is he? Where am I?" Her voice a little clearer than before.

In contrast to the vampire who claimed to be her betrothed, the maids lacked any hint of danger intent, even though their crimson eyes revealed their actual nature.

She saw something wasn't quite right when the maids gazed at each other, a look of small dread on their pallid cheeks.

At least the maids ought to respond to her inquiries if he was unable to. Nevertheless, they appeared to be afraid. Pretty much more than she did.

"My lady," Trying to gather herself, Jessica gave her a quick glance. "How come you do not know where you are?"

Eleanor held onto the duvet tightly. "I.. I have been abducted."

"Estelle..." With a gasp, Jessica grabbed Estelle's arm. Her expression changed to one of horror.

Curious, Eleanor blinked. "Huh?"

"I think that's his highness betrothed." Jessica admitted, drawing in a deep breath.

Estelle's eyes got bigger.

"Please answer my questions!" Eleanor became upset. Her forehead bore a significant furrow. The expressions on their faces unnerved her, and she was growing weary of that word. 'Betrothed.'

"I... You are in the royal mansion of prince Ares Erebus Mazitzis." Estelle gave a nervous reply.

Eleanor lowered her gaze. She was aware that she was no longer home. Enebelle was gone. But to know that she was now in the home of the vampires, terrified her. "Malenia. Home of the vampires." She breathed out. "And prince..? he's a royal."

Her lack of familiarity with her betrothed astounded the maids. They didn't even try to disguise their confusion.

Eleanor sighed, not caring to read their looks. "Please tell me what is going on."

"But we have to prepare you for the day, my lady." Estelle broke off right away.

"I am not going to let any vampire touch me." Eleanor lost her temper, her voice full of hate.

"We will be killed, my lady!" Jessica panicked.

Eleanor was taken aback. "Killed?"

Jessica began. "His highness.. he..."

"Stop!" Estelle cut her off immediately. "Do not scare her."

Eleanor took a big breath. "You all are scared of him?" She had every right to be afraid of him if they were afraid.

She reflected on the way the vampires had treated Ares. They dared not even to look him in the eye. Not for a single instant. Plus, he killed his own with no remorse.

"Not only has His Highness never brought a woman to the mansion, but the royal family are always talking about his betrothed, a phoenix of pure blood." Jessica muttered and turned her gaze to Eleanor who stared with utter disbelief. "My lady, I fear you should know the truth about Prince Ares."

"I.." Eleanor trailed off, struck by the fear in Jessica's expression.

"He is far too cruel, without a shred of warmth or emotion. He... He.. he is devoid of mercy, my lady!" Jessica's voice trembled with great fear.