Glancing down at the marble floor, Eleanor trailed behind him along the wide corridor of the mansion. Her current state of hunger made her feel very anxious and uneasy. Her stomach growling in front of the vampire would be embarrassing.

He was walking slower than she had anticipated. Why?

"Do you happen to be a snail?"

"Huh?" Startled by that unexpected question, Eleanor asked. She looked up, stopping short of her steps to see him standing before her, staring at her as if she had destroyed the vampire race. Still, it was a serene look.

"Do not walk behind me, walk beside me."

Eleanor scowled. "Why? I have no desire to do that."

Ares arched his brow. Even though she was rejecting his kingly gestures, many would have fainted at the mere mention of his words.

"How disheartening."

Eleanor wriggled her mouth in contempt. "I can always return to the chamber if you would rather me not be here. I am not interested in having breakfast with you.

"Little bird, we must communicate like civilized beings. You are not being kept here as my prize. You must be aware of your circumstances."

"Circumstances?!" That statement irritated Eleanor greatly. "You are aware of my circumstances?"

Ares simply gave her a lifeless stare.

"Oh my! Thank you for being aware of my circumstances! After all, your kind did wipe out my kind! I am in a place crawling with creatures that crave my blood, I am homeless, an orphan, and the last of my kind. If I die, it will be the end of kind! My goodness! I should fall on my knees and lick your feet as a token of appreciation for you learning about my circumstances!!" Eleanor screamed in frustration and rushed past him, even though she had no idea where she was going. She simply desired to be free of him.

As she stomped her feet forcefully on the ground, Ares's slightly widened gaze followed her, fixed on her. He had never seen someone appear so adorable when they were truly angry. But there was depth to her words.

He followed her, eventually walking side by side with her.

Without even casting a sidelong glance at him, she stood up straight and started to walk appropriately.

They arrived at the dining room with Ares pushing the doors open.

Eleanor did anticipate a posh setting, but the more she appreciated the room's extravagance, the more she realized how drastically different it was from her home. The room had an amazing ethereal glow thanks to the large chandeliers and the elaborate gold-curved wall painted a bright grey color.

Her gaze slipped to the large oak table, laden with a variety of dishes. The silver and gold-plated cutlery... She gave a grim look and moved to the far end of the table to take a seat.

Ares looked at her with interest. Similar to a person poring over a book that was full of fascinating mysteries and surprises.

He shifted his seat to the opposite side of the table, his gaze fixed on her. She was seated at the far end, directly in his line of sight. Her eyes were glued to the dishes, and she appeared a little reluctant to begin.

"Is there a problem? Do any of the foods disgust you?"

Eleanor glanced up at him. "Well, most of them seem tasty, but I am not familiar with them." After all, she was in an unfamiliar environment.

Ascending to his feet, Ares approached and started to serve the food with caution. When he was finished, he set the plate in front of her and filled the golden goblet with wine. He looked at her once more before returning to his seat.

Eleanor looked at him with curious eyes before reluctantly smiling and returning her attention to the dish. "Did you poison the food?" She deadpanned.

Ares quirked his lips. "I did."

Eleanor tsked. "Do not expect a thank you."

"Eat up, Little Bird." Ares gestured lazily.

Eleanor began to eat. It never occurred to her that she would genuinely enjoy the meal. She ate with a smile on her face, enjoying every bite and remained silent the entire time.

It did not take her long to finish the dish and serve herself the next.

"Looking at a lady while she is eating is kind of creepy, don't you think? Especially considering that you abducted her." She uttered, unwilling to keep her thoughts to herself.

Ares nodded slowly. Her words cut deep yet again. "Little Bird, is it possible for us to converse like adults?"

"Do I appear to be yelling and hurling dishes?" Eleanor furrowed her brow in irritation.

Ares opened his mouth to speak, but then clamped them shut. She was surprisingly brave for a woman who had been stuttering in front of him the other night.

"Just because I am a princess does not mean that I squander food. Oh! I am no longer a princess. Why? Because you monsters destroyed my home!" She broke, thrusting a morsel of meat into her mouth.

Ares nodded, his crimson eyes twinkling. "Offense taken."

"Oh please, do not say that!" Eleanor snarled at him.

"Little Bird, please control your tone. The maids told you things about me, but you do not heed."

"I am sorry, but I do not really trust the rumors spread by others. I will do as I please. I do not need their words of advice."

"Ahh... that spirit of rebellion. How sweet. It is likely that you are thinking of fleeing from me at this point."

Eleanor's mouth twisted into a smile. Setting down her fork with care, she picked up the goblet and tipped it gently, staring at the wine. "Underestimate me, Ares Mazitzis. I would like for you to have a heart attack."

Those words brought mirth to Ares's eyes. Many would have made a more threatening statement. She even managed to make threats seem endearing.

"I do not underestimate you, Little Bird, which is why you will always be with me." And from his pocket he took out an invitation letter. It was crafted from black gold paper and wore the Malenian royal crest. A crowned scarlet moon with big black bat wings.

"What is that?" Eleanor asked, curiously.

"We were pronounced to be betrothed to one another even before our births. Regardless of the events leading up to the announcement, your parents made the decision to keep you hidden from the public. They might not have told you, but I can not just take you without justifi..."

"Your justification does not justify the lost lives, neither does it justify why I am here." Eleanor charged in, her eyes narrowed with rage.