"Are you certain you are fine?" A deep, quiet voice echoed through the carriage.

As the abrupt question startled her out of her reverie, Eleanor took a long, slow nod, unwilling to look at him.

She most definitely wasn't. It was her first time riding in a carriage, and she felt sick to her stomach with every motion. Deep lines creased her brow, her eyes wrinkled, and she continued to breathe through her mouth.

Unaware of the extent of her pain, a pair of dark, sparkling ruby eyes peered intently to her face.

"I am not fond of this." Muttering under her breath, she scowled with contempt.

"I can see that." His gaze simply got intense, his deep voice emerging as a whisper.

"How much longer must I stay inside?" Putting her hands to her stomach, she questioned impatiently.

"Little Bird, it has only been an hour. Please wait a little longer." Ares answered curtly.

For a moment Eleanor was dumbfounded, lost in those dark, menacing eyes. Now that she was outside at last, she was trapped in a carriage that was giving her a bad headache and nausea!

"There is something I recall. That night." She began, heaving slowly. It was nothing but a difficult memory for her.

"Oh?" Ares nodded, his thin lips curling into a thin smile. Why was she remembering that all of a sudden?

"You saved me from someone named Atlan, and..."

"I would rather not discuss that night. Not ever." Ares cut in right away, a cold frown on his face.

Eleanor was stunned. Why was he angry all of a sudden? It was not a painful night for him! Ultimately, it was him and his kind who created the pain that day! She wanted to scream at him, but before she could say anything, he covered her mouth with his hand, cutting her off completely. Her eyes narrowed and flew wide with fury!

"What are you doing?!?" Her voice came out muffled and she grabbed his wrist with both hands wanting to yank his hand away. However, he applied more force and pinned her to the chair, protecting her head from harm with his other hand placed behind her head.

"Hush. Calm down." Ares muttered, his eyes darkening.

Eleanor could feel her body quiver beneath him. His eyes were growing fierce and darker, as if he were about to engage in war, so how could she possibly calm down? Even so, she could tell by the way he had her pinned that something was off.

The carriage came to a sudden halt, sending her heart into a frenzy of skips and flips.

Ares made a motion with his lips, telling her to be quiet.

Eleanor blinked.

He took his hand from her mouth, pressed it against the wall, and lifted his head to look at the ceiling. With menacing ease, his eyes transitioned from silver to ruby, swirling and twisting before remaining in that deep, dark ruby form.

Eleanor pressed her lips together, her gaze fixed on him. He had forbidden her from speaking. She was not just obeying him because he said so, but she could tell something was not right.

Even with the doors and windows closed, cold wind was seeping into the carriage, there was a faint creak from his forceful hit against the wall, and the haunting silence was utterly suffocating.

She closed her eyes, exhaling sharply as she felt a knot in her stomach. What in the world was going on? Were they not meant to attend a ball?

"Keep your eyes closed." Ares abruptly broke the silence, and the horses in front squealed in fear.

Eleanor squeaked, her face creased with fear.

Ares lowered his gaze to her, a small smile on his lips. Not getting their clothes stained was a better outcome.

"Nyx, look after them." Lifting Eleanor, he whispered. Accompanying a grunt, he kicked the door open, gathered her in his arms, and leaped to the floor.

The guard who had been riding in the carriage was found dead on the ground, and they were immediately surrounded by assassins. Likewise their red eyes, gaping fangs, and a couple of weapons in their grasp, Ares clutched Eleanor even tighter. He could hear her heart racing so loudly that it created a pool of rage.

"Nyx." Ares grumbled.

Suddenly, the carriage vibrated with a deep, serpentine hiss, and Ares briskly fled the group of assassins, embracing Eleanor in his arms.

Entering the forest covertly, he bounded from one branch to another, quickening his pace not due to concerns about potential assassination attempts but rather because he was running a little behind schedule for the birthday ball.

They soon found themselves at the royal capital's main city. It was just as lively as it had always been at night. Lights in every corner, elegant celebrations, rugged celebrations, illegal embezzlement of various goods. All of which that didn't concern Ares at the very moment.

He began leaping from roof to roof. Strengthening his hold on the phoenix as he did so. When he eventually landed onto one of the tallest buildings in the capital, the little bird shuddered lightly. It was to be expected—he had no warmth to shield her from the bitter winter cold. Though, of course, phoenixes without active immortal fire were nothing more than vulnerable priceless treasures, he still felt that the cloak she was wearing would be sufficient.

"Open your eyes, Little Bird," he uttered softly as he helped her stand to her feet. He then put his arm around her waist to keep her close to him.

Once more, Eleanor shuddered in response to the biting cold wind that brushed against her body. She was adamantly opposed to obeying him for a variety of reasons. She was petrified! Ares suddenly grabbed her and took off, giving the impression that he was fleeing from something. Or was actually he flying? And who in the world was Nyx?!

Ares gave her a questioning glance as her brows rose. Facing her, he drew her in closer, making sure they were firmly planted on the structure.

"Open your eyes, Little Bird; you are safe."

"I found it amusing when you told me to close my eyes. I have seen my family's lifeless bodies, Ares Mazitzis." As that memory continued to surface in the darkness of her eyes, she muttered.

Ares remained silent, showing no signs of emotion on his face. Yet, his jaw clenched, and his ruby eyes twisted.

"Were those vampires? How come you fled? You don't seem like a coward." Eleanor asked.

Ares leaned closer to her, staring intently as the cold wind blew her golden hair, each strand glowing under the night light. She wrinkled her face in discomfort, her freckled nose scrunched. Those reactions caused him to tilt his head to get a better look at her face. She was... What was the word?

"Oh! The ball!" Upon realizing the situation, Eleanor's face brightened and her eyes fluttered to meet the intensely focused ruby ones on her. Her face flushed red with intense embarrassment. "What are you doing?!?"

Ares blinked, saying nothing.

Eleanor blinked rapidly. "You—" Before she could finish speaking, Ares snatched her up in his arms and leaped from the roof, smiling as she then let out a scream of utter terror.