Wandering the vibrant city streets with the horse in tow, Eleanor began to regret wearing her wedding dress as it was drawing unwanted attention and stares that made her stumble.

Clutching the dress tightly, she focused ahead, trying to recall the route to the market where she and Ares had purchased her beloved stuffed bear. The brothel was nearby, and she halted upon arriving at the market, noticing a smaller crowd than before. Still, whispers and pointed fingers surrounded her.

"Who's that?"

"Why is she wandering around in a wedding dress?"

"That's not a vampire..."

"Can you smell that?"

Eleanor's senses grew heightened, her unease evident as she realized she stood out like a sore thumb. The crowd's brazen comments made her feel vulnerable.

Without hesitation, a bright golden glow enveloped her body, and she levitated, landing gracefully on the horse's back with a soft grunt.