"Kaiser supports your attendance at the Luna Ball in Celestia," Kaito approached Ares, who stood brooding beside a majestic white horse.

Ares scoffed, his hand stroking its mane gently. "When have I ever cared for Kaiser's opinion?" he growled, his tone dismissive.

"I do as I please, and I've long desired to attend. I'm the sole member of this wretched family to receive an invitation."

"You're losing focus, Ares. Your obsession with the phoenix is consuming you." Kaito sighed deeply with concern.

"I'll overcome it. It will pass." Ares muttered, his eyes still fixed on the horse. His words were more of a desperate assurance to himself than a conviction.

"Make it pass," Kaito urged, his voice low and urgent. "The full moon's influence is strong in Celestia. It is where wolves reign, after all. You must focus, lest you succumb to the primal calls of your horns."

"Of course." Ares tsked dismissively, nodding curtly.