"Ares?" Eleanor called, shattering his thoughts. Her eyes pierced his, as if reading his mind. Then, a sly smile spread across her face. "Aren't you joining me? I thought we were bathing together."

Ares's smirk was his only response. He shed his pants, and she covered her face, gasping.

"How brave of you," He chuckled at her reaction, his deep laughter echoing through the room. Confident and unhurried, he stepped into the pool, water rippling around him.

His eyes wandered over her. She stood before him, submerged to her shoulders in the warm, scented water. Her expression peeked through her hands covering her face, revealing hints of her bright smile.

Damn the consequences, he yearned to trap her in the pool's corner, ravish her until she begged for mercy, screaming his name.

Shyly, Eleanor's hands slipped away from her eyes. Her cheeks flushed pink, lips compressing as she beheld the desire burning in his eyes.