The majestic Royal Castle of Celestia shimmered under the starry night sky as elegant carriages arrived, disgorging prestigious guests. Resplendent in formal attire, the elite streamed into the grand ballroom, joining the vibrant celebration already underway.

Eleanor, radiant in a sky-blue gown, smiled serenely as Ares' hand encircled her waist. His ebony-clad form served as a sleek backdrop for her bright celestial beauty.

As her gaze drifted to the grand pastry table, she felt the weight of curious stares from the wolves and other supernatural beings present.

It was impossible to miss the whispered murmurs, the covert glances. Eleanor's unique identity made her a singular sensation. The last phoenix in existence.

She pressed her lips together, her gaze drifting to her husband. His piercing eyes held hers, their burning intensity softened by his gentle tone.

"Do you like the music?" he asked.

Eleanor nodded slowly, avoiding his eyes. "Hmm."