"An heir?" Thea's eyes widened in astonishment, as if she didn't hear Eleanor correctly the first time.

Eleanor nodded thoughtfully, tapping her chin. "In one of my kind's traditions, once a royal has an heir, their claim to the throne is secure. No one can contest it."

Thea's face fell, her expression transforming from surprise to discomfort. "Oh..." she trailed off, forcing a brittle smile.

Then she inhaled deeply, struggling to compose herself. "I'm not sure that applies here. Vampiric succession laws are... complicated. And I'm hardly an expert. I am a fairy, after all."

Eleanor's enthusiasm grew, her eyes sparkling. "It will work, won't it? If Ares has an heir, our child, no one can contest his claim to the throne."

Thea's expression darkened, her voice laced with discomfort. "Please, don't... I just can't."

She rose, her movements stiff. "I don't think it's appropriate to discuss having Ares's child with his former lover."