Calm Before The Storm

Aegisbane: very high damage with small chance of piercing enemy armor that has heavy-medium armor Rarity: Legendary

Aegis Ward: When held aloft, Aegisbane activates an ethereal shield, providing temporary protection against enemy attacks. The shield emanates an aura that boosts the morale and combat prowess of allies standing nearby. (cooldown 6 hours)

Leonine Charge: With a resounding battle cry, the wielder of Aegisbane can channel the spirit of Leonidas, allowing for a powerful, unstoppable charge. The spear pierces through enemies in its path, leaving a trail of defeated foes.(cooldown 6 hours)

Ares' Fury: Aegisbane can harness the fury of Ares, the god of war, unleashing a devastating area-of-effect attack. The ground shakes as the spear is thrust into the earth, sending shockwaves through the battlefield and causing enemies to tremble in fear.(cooldown 6 hours)

Stalwart Defender: Aegisbane can be planted into the ground to create an unyielding barrier, turning the spear into a symbol of unwavering defense. The wielder and their allies behind the barrier gain increased resistance against ranged attacks.(cooldown 6 hours) Aegisbane will be in your chambers

"No matter how many times i looked at it it still is amazing.True its not 1,000 Hoplites or Zeus blessing but this! this is entire new thing" words can't describe how much Alexios was happy."My king your food and drink is here" Said Kleon,Alexios immediately suppressed his exciments and nodded to Kleon and helots was approaching with silver plate."Y.y.your food my king" helots said while kneeling before Alexios throne,"thank you and you too Kleon" Alexios take the plate and saw a soup with silver spoon beside the bowl of soup and a crystal clean liquid in a silver cup.

"Isn't this a Black Broth?! this soup was very delicious and favorite among the Spartan Elite This was a kind of soup or stew made from boiled pigs' legs, blood, salt, and vinegar." Alexios grabbed the spoon and started to dig in,"its very delicious i feel like in heaven and my taste buds are lying in ecstasy this is good!".

Few minutes past and Alexios stomach was full,"Hippeis escort me to my chambers" Alexios demanded "Yes my king" Said the Hippeis.Alexios was in front of his chamber and an idea occurt to him Alexios wanted to be loved and respected not feared so first step would be to give gifts to his Hoplites that were with him."One more thing,give handful of gold coins as a gift for Hoplites and Youths that were with us,and this includes you as well,good night" Alexios give them no time react and immediately open his wooden doors and closed them shut.Alexios knew what kind of reaction they would give something like "my king we don't deserve this,serving you is more valuable than gold!" or something like that.

"Spartan culture valued culture valued practicality over luxury, so one might expect basic yet sturdy pieces,yet i found this quite appealing" Alexios said to himself while looking around his room.Against one wall stood a robust bed crafted from the sturdy wood of the Taygetos mountains. Its frame, adorned with carvings of Spartan symbols, spoke of lineage and martial prowess. The bedding was simple but well-made, a reflection of the Spartan preference for practicality over extravagance.

Opposite the bed, Alexios personal wooden stand.A wooden table in the center of the room held a few essential items. A Hoplite shield rested beside a carefully rolled map, marking strategic points within the city-state and beyond. The table also bore a small oil lamp, its flame casting flickering shadows on the walls, providing the only source of light in the Alexios private sanctum.

In one corner, a sturdy wooden chest held personal belongings and documents, beside it, a pair of worn but meticulously cared-for sandals stood at attention.Leonidas spear was laying on the robust bed with Alexios previous spear beside it.Alexios approached the bed and grabbed his new spear,Alexios was feeling like Leonidas himself but Alexios had a long way to be like Leonidas."Wow that feeling is almost scary,its shame it has 6 hour cooldown on all abilities but that doesn't matter right now.Alexios energy was depleting so Alexios started to took of his armor,his body automatically knew how to remove chest breastplate and his helmet and other pieces of armor and right on to the wooden stand.

"Huh i never wore this armor in my life and somehow i knew how to remove it without any assistance,it must be thanks to Leonidas hehe".Alexios immediately rushed to blow out the lamp and proceeded to his bed."Strange i don't remember putting the shield on the table,it must be the system doing oh well" Alexios closed his eyes.

"Summon the council,we have matters to discuss" Alexios told to a messenger who arrived to the throne room,"Y-yes my king" Spoke nervously Spartan youth.Alexios was nervous too even with his abilities and skills 2,000 strong men were still to much for Alexios and Sparta as well."After this meeting i will go summon those 100 Hoplites,but i am still curious how much money do we make,and whats the exchange rate for 1 gold coin for dachmars,i hope that it will be large sum".Minutes felt like hours and Alexios anxiety was all time high,finally footsteps could be heard.

 "My king we heard your call and we are ready to serve" spoke Cleomenes while slightly bowing his head,the rest did the same."First things first how much value has the gold compared to dachmars and how much do we making?" Alexios asked.Cleomenes handed to Alexios the same scroll that he looked last time,but what he saw was unexpected. 


Navy: 0 dachmars per month

Army: 13,205 dachmars per month

Other: 1,500 dachmars (this include wages for government officials,tax collectors,etc) 


Taxes: 1,250 dachmars per month

Trade: 12,646 dachmars per month 

Slave Population: 181 dachmars per month

Other: 0 dachmars per month

Total Income: 51,990 dachmars

Income next Month is estimated to be 692 dachmars

"Much better then last time but HOLY SHIT, thats a lot of silver coins" Alexios was shocked he never expected so much." 1 gold coin is equivalent to 100 dachmars and 1 gold bar was 75 drachmas,my king you delivered 600 gold coins and 15 gold bars,100 coins you gifted to your men who went with you so this is final number" spoke Cleomenses calmly,like he was not surprised by this amount of drachmars in treasury."V-very well now next order of business is how much time we got until those dogs arrival?" Alexios who was still trembled by how much he delivered to treasury.

 "My king in your absence i sended scouts to the west and returned this morning, scouts report that Korithians will arrive in late afternoon or sooner" Cleomenses said,he even sended scouts in my absence i knew he was right choice to make him my right hand men."Thank you esteemed elder Cleomenses,now i must ask dear Elders about your opinion on how to deal with them" Alexios did not notice general in his army,all strategic decision was his responsibility,which was a problem because Alexios had no experience in this field.

"My king,there is a bridge over a river in the west that leads to Mystara Abyss sea,i say we should burn the bridge and wait for the to come either from the north or south which can buy us some time" said Eudorus with his majestic white beard."What nonsense are you spouting?! we will be seen as cowards who cannot fight,i say we should cross the bridge with all of our forces to face them head on!!" Theron shouted in anger,his temper is really getting the best of him.

"My fellow elders please calm down,the army is lead by general Demetrios who is known for his arrogance and lack of patience.His men would surely be tired from non stop marching,i propose to wait for them in a forest and ambush them,this will certainly decrease their morale further".Cleomenses was right,we can't face them head on but swift and unexpected strikes could destroy their morale completely.In other words hit and run tactics,that doesn't sound bad.

Throne room was filled with angry elders shouting at each other.Alexios suddenly got a idea "SILENCE" Alexios screamed with his high yet strong voice.Only silence was present as everyone was looking nervous and afraid to say anything as not to displease their king.

"Thank you for your opinions Esteemed Elders i know how we will crush them.If Cleomenses is saying truth we can use this for our advantage" Alexios said and elders were fixing their gaze on Alexios in anticipation."I create a elite force which can fulfill this role,and we can attack them when it was least expecting,this method is slow but given few days we can surely defeat those filthy dogs.We will show them the wrath of Sparta!" Alexios made his answer clear this is the only method Alexios currently know.

Room was filled with sounds of approval and hope that this is the strategy that Athenna herself would give them."Now i believe that's all the things that needed attention,now please excuse me i must prepare all the necessary things, thank you Esteemed elders for your opinion". Alexios stood up from his throne and started walking past all the elders who bowed their heads as Alexios walked past with his hippeis right after him.

"Now it's time for the elite force to be born,and i know exactly who is going fill this role" Alexios said with his clanking armor and his fellow hippeis as they were walking towards the exit of the palace.