Confrontation Part 3

"Are you really that MAD?!", Alexios shouted at Philotas who was firmly standing on place with a smirk on his face. "You had one job you stupid mutt, nevertheless i am glad how the situation turned out", Philotas said to Lycon who was not only in confusion, but pain and his cold gaze shook every fiber in his body. "Yeah yeah, you can scold me later, now be good friend and HELP ME", Lycon shouted at Philotas who was not fazed by this outburst of emotion.

Alexios was confused as well, "the hell is happening", Alexios told himself. Philotas walked up to Lycon still laying on the ground in, pool of blood which was getting bigger. "No, i will not help you, this wouldn't happen, if you just were not on constant hunt for glory". Philotas words pierced Lycon's heart like a dagger, "What do you mean?!, i only tried to protect my home!, my family!, i demand, you help me right this second!".

"(sigh)..its pointless, battle is not only for glory, if we just took an army of our Hoplites back home this would not happen, anyway, sweet dreams you fool". Lycon did not managed to call for help from his men who only watched, Philotas lunged his spear to his throat and pulled it out swiftly afterwards. "Now, let's have a fight, don't you agree?", Alexios only watched in silence as Philotas was walking straight to Alexios position.

"Wait, if this is not about a glory then what is is then?!", Alexios bursted in anger. "I lied, its just Lycon used his muscles rather then his brain, that is all", Philotas said nonchalantly. "Then why are we at war then?!, one of your subordinates said to me about the threat in the north, we should have work together! from the threat!". Alexios replied to Philotas, "so he told you that, yes this war is pointless from your perspective, but i do it because of my duty, Korithian army should have been lead by great leaders, not people like Lycon, and i rather be executed then work with your kind, we are enemies, always been".

"Double the pride, double the fall, if you insist then there is nothing we can do", Alexios was once more reminded of his lack of knowledge in this strange and unfamiliar world. "Surround him, i show you how Korithians deal with Spartans!", Hoplites upon hearing the new order, without hesitation surrounded Alexios in circle, even thought they were under the command of Lycon.

Philotas lunged his spear at Alexios in drastic speed, only by a luck Alexios managed to block it. "Dammit i don't have any blocks left, but i do have that other ability thanks to Aegisbane, i should us-", Philotas being seasoned warrior, did not give Alexios breathing room, another after another was attempting to take a life away from Alexios. 

Armor: successfully deflected incoming attack 

"Whoa, that was close call, you fuck, i hope that my fear factor is gonna activate soon and you would run you pussy!", Philotas managed to scratch Alexios chest with his spear. Slowly but surely Alexios was being pushed back towards a wall of spears that was drastically coming closer. Aegis Ward - activated, "if i did activated my this ability before, i would have 0 chance at winning, i hate being this depended on my abilities".

Aegis Ward: When held aloft, Aegisbane activates an ethereal shield, providing temporary protection against enemy attacks. The shield emanates an aura that boosts the morale and combat prowess of allies standing nearby. (cooldown 6 hours), (Duration: 15 seconds).

"This must not happen again this mistake", Alexios promised to himself that any kind of mistake, was not acceptable. "What is this?!" Philotas looked in disbelief, as an aura emanates from the Aegisbane forming a shield around him. Philotas desperately repeated his attacks, but in vain as nothing was happening to Alexios. Seconds passed and the aura, along with the shield disappeared into the thin air.

"My turn", Alexios said and with mighty thrust, lunged his Aegisbane in to the Philotas chest. "Fear is present in the heart of your victim, Philotas is paralysed for 4 seconds", system announced to Alexios who was grateful that the fear factor on his armor is not just words without meaning. Korithians who watched, were startled when their leader Philotas was pushed back on the ground..still breathing.

"Penetration of the enemy's heavy armor was unsuccessful". Alexios was not happy that his enemy was wearing heavy armor, and aiming for his weak spots is going to prove difficult for Alexios, he is not your average soldier. "(cought) are fighting well, i am going to be completely honest, i was sure i am going to die. So much you must learn, king of Sparta". Philotas scolded mockingly Alexios.

"We see about that!", Alexios rushed to Philotas who did not managed to get up, Alexios aimed for the neck, but suddenly he was hit by cold shower when he noticed that Philotas was drawing Xiphon from his hip. Philotas skilfully moved his head by mere seconds, and thus Aegisbane did not pierce his throat, Alexios felt huge pain in his right shoulder, he groaned in pain, but Philotas was not finished, he used his Hoplon shield to knock out Aegisbane from Alexios hand.

"Up to this moment, i thought you were worthy opponent, but making these mistakes of a amateur proved me otherwise", Philotas said with disappointment. "Well it was fun, but this is not even challenge, my Hoplites and Hippeis , i give you the pleasure of finishing this scum!". 

 Alexios dropped his shield, and was giving pressure on his shoulder, as the Korithians were making slow steps toward him. "My king, we had arrived!", familiar voice echoed towards him, Aleixos turned his head towards the origin of the voice. The rest of Spartans arrived, with huge crowd of citizens with hoes, and axes to face the Korithians, "We will not sit idly by, citizen militia is taking care of the fire at the granary, now surrender Korithians!, you lost", Kleon announced.

Alexios was highly relieved, by the sight of his Spartans arriving in the nick of time. "Hahaha, you fools!, we shall never surrender, never yield!!, Charge my brave Korithians!, i will take care of our dear king", Korithians quickly disbanded their circle formation, and hastily moved to face Spartan army and citizens alike. While Philotas was exposing his back to Alexios he did not waste this opportunity go to waste, he grabbed his shield with his left hand and rushed to Philotas.

"Eat this you piece of shit!"

Basic Attack - Shield Bash: (cooldown: 5 minutes)

Strikes an enemy with the shield, momentarily stunning them and increasing the Hero's defense.(Enemies are stunned for 2 second) 

Alexios lunged his shield to Philotas head witch is protected by Korithian helmet, nevertheless huge impact managed to knock Philotas on the ground, the 2 second stun come in handy, Alexios was bashing his shield to Philotas neck. Groaning in pain and struggling to move away. "huff...huff..finally got you, you son of bitch", Alexios was breathing rapidly, and was on the verge of collapsing, 

"Congratulation! for killing 8 Korithian hippeis, 1 Taxiarch, and 22 Korithian hoplites, you are awarded with total of 1,135 EXP!, with 151 glory!, and your level has risen as well! to achieve next level you need 1,500 EXP! (current Experience points 785). Additional building's has been unlocked, for more information please open your Hero and City state systems!,keep it up hero!" 

Alexios struggled to even the hero system, the battle could no longer be hear, "(cought) least show me what i got you damn system", Alexios cursed.

Abilities: 2 available point

Athena's Wisdom and Shield Techniques: (Level 1)

Basic Attack - Shield Bash: (cooldown: 5 minutes)

Strikes an enemy with the shield, momentarily stunning them and increasing the Hero's defense.(Enemies are stunned for 2 second) 

Ultimate Ability - Aegis Defense: (Level 1), (Duration: 2 minutes)

Summons a protective shield, reducing incoming damage for a duration and reflecting a portion of it back to attackers.Duration 5 minutes (cool-down: 12 hours) 

Passive Ability - Tactical Insight: (Level 1)

Sometimes anticipates and blocks a percentage of incoming attacks, showcasing Athena's Tactical prowess.(when in combat,every 20 attacks are predicted) after those attacks are predicted cool down is 15 hours.

Alexios faintly smile, "it seems like my brain its not working well under, pressure, i totally forgot about this available points...,(coughs blood)..not..good", Alexios collapsed on the cold floor, and his vision became blurry, and eyes were shut following right after. "My king, hold on!!", Callias spoked as he was running towards his king, not knowing Alexios was already unconscious.