Chapter 18: Aurionex and a Surprise

The next day, Nephilim Pharmacy

A couple walked in and went to the help desk.

"How can I help you?"

"We would like to inquire about Aurionex."

"That is wonderful. Aurionex is the new point-based currency introduced by Nephilim Pharmaceuticals. It is named after Aurevion, the chemist duo that created the Breath Series. It was also their idea. They wanted to provide a way for the less fortunate to support themselves."

"How so?"

"First, let me explain how Aurionex works. Anybody can register their ID with us to open a Basic Aurionex Account and get a Basic Aurionex card. It is like a debit card for Aurionex. There are seven denominations in the Aurionex. Similarly, the accounts are also ranked into seven levels."

She then showed them a chart.

1. Aurionex Unit (AU): Basic unit

1.5 Federation Credits => 1 Aurionex Unit

1 Aurionex Unit => 1 Federation Credit

2. Aurionex Standard (AUS):

1 Aurionex Standard = 10 Aurionex Units

3. Aurionex Premium (AUP):

1 Aurionex Premium = 10 Aurionex Standards

4. Aurionex Elite (AUE):

1 Aurionex Elite = 100 Aurionex Premium

5. Aurionex Supreme (AUSP):

1 Aurionex Supreme = 1000 Aurionex Elite

6. Aurionex Grand (AUGR):

1 Aurionex Grand = 10,000 Aurionex Supreme

7. Aurionex Royale (AUR): Highest unit

1 Aurionex Royale = 100,000 Aurionex Grand

"Everybody starts with a Basic Aurionex Account. And their accounts will upgraded once they reach a certain amount of Aurionex. But only until Elite Aurionex Accounts. Only employees can continue to upgrade the Aurionex Accounts after that. The higher the level of your Aurevion Account, the more benefits you unlock. Discounts, exclusive products and services, etc." 

"But how does that help the less fortunate, as you call them?"

"I was just coming to that. I would like to introduce you to our subsidiary company, the Nephilim Mercenary Corps. You can register as a mercenary there and complete tasks to earn Aurionex. No strings attached. You accept a task, you complete it, and you earn Aurionex. You only need to take a System Oath so that you won't divulge information about any tasks. There are some other details but they are only there to ensure your and your employer's safety. 

You can use your hard earned Aurionex to buy our products or convert it into Federation Credits. You can even use them as payment to post your own tasks. Those tasks can include requests for sparring partners, trainers etc. You only need to pay a handling fee of 1% of your task reward.

The best part is, that if you don't have money to buy equipment, skill books, etc., we provide loans with a monthly interest of only 2%.

So basically, if you are being held back by lack of money, don't want to take a loan with a hefty interest rate, and do not want to join any organisation, we got you. And there is more. If you truly want to join the Nephilim family, you can apply for a Seed quota in the Aurevion Corps. You will know more once you register as a mercenary."

The couple was shocked. If this was true, then the Federation could truly rise. 

"But wouldn't it be a loss for you guys?"

"That doesn't matter."

The receptionist checked if anybody was listening to them. Then she motioned for the couple to lean forward. The couple was curious about what she wanted to say and complied.

"I shouldn't really be telling you this, but my brother works in a relatively high position and hears things. According to him, there are rumours that the chemist duo, Aurevion, are grassroots Players. They didn't have any backing when they were young and struggled a lot. They were even exploited for their recipes before Lady Katherine found them.

So, before they agreed to work with Nephilim Pharmaceuticals, they put some conditions. They are the reason why the potions in the Breath Series are so cheap. They are also behind the formation of the Nephilim Mercenary Corps. Because they don't want others like them to suffer as they did. Their existence is truly a blessing for all of us."

The couple were startled after hearing the tragic origin story of Aurevion. They expressed their agreement and left after buying the potions that they needed. After they left, the receptionist smiled cunningly. The story was bullshit and she knew that. She didn't lie when she said that her brother worked in a high position. In fact, her brother worked directly under Alessio so she really did know some secrets. Like the fact that their profit margins on each potion they sold exceeded 90%. It would be exceedingly difficult for their company to actually go into loss. 

Similar incidents were taking place in every branch, where the receptionist would leak the secret to some people. They were ordered to do so. 

This was the second part of Zeke and Alessio's plan. Zeke had provided a very vague idea and Alessio had turned it into a Faith generating money making cash cow. Even Leonel approved of this plan because it truly did help the grassroots Players without a background.

If properly executed, it would increase their capital, generate lots of Faith for Zeke and Cass, and help the citizens of the Federation. Even if they did make a loss, it was only short-term. This also solved another problem. It wasn't exactly a problem, but the people working under Alexi were overqualified for some of the work that they did. Like, small-scale acquisition of low Grade herbs. Now they could simply post these needs as tasks and focus on more pressing matters. 

One and a half months passed.

The Nephilim Mercenary Corps started working as intended and started generating profit. Something else also happened. 

At the Reed residence, Katherine was currently panicking. Thankfully, the boys were at school. Zeke was forced to attend classes, now that he had unlocked the System. As for their wings, they just lied that they had the dormant bloodline of an Imperial Twilight Pterodactyl and now they had become Demi-Humans. 

Anyways, Katherine started hyperventilating. She called Alexi, but he wasn't picking up. Desperate, she called Alessio.

"Hey, Katherine. What's up?"

Alessio had become really good friends with his business partners. 

"Where is Alexi? Why the fuck isn't he picking up his phone?"

"Let me check. He is currently in a meeting so his phone must be on silent. Did something happen? You sound...troubled."

"Just send him home."

"As I told you, he is in-"

"I don't care. Send him home. RIGHT NOW."

"Yes ma'am."

Alessio entered the conference room where the meeting was taking place.

"Alexi, we need to talk."

"Hey, Alessio. I'm kinda in the middle of something."

It'ss Katherine."

Alexi stood up from his seat. He looked at the other members and said, "Sorry but we will talk later."

He then hurriedly exited the room with Alessio.

"What happened to Katherine? Is she fine?"

"I don't know but she called me out of the blue, asking where you were. Then she demanded that I send you home. And man, that woman can get scary. Anyways, she sounded troubled so you should go home and talk to her."

"Thanks, man."

"No problem. Now go."

Alexi left in a hurry. As soon as he reached home, he found Katherine waiting for him with an anxious look on her face. He hugged her, before checking to see if she was hurt anywhere.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking to see if you are hurt. Thankfully, you are not"

Katherine blushed slightly.

"So, what's going on?"

"We have a problem."


"I am pregnant."

About half a month before, she had started getting nausea with occasional vomiting. Then she started craving weird food combinations. She started having doubts, but then she missed her period. She used her mana to check, and it was true. She was pregnant.

"Will you say something?"

"I am still trying to process the fact that I might become a father."


"How did this even happen?"

"Do I need to tell you how babies are made?"

"No, I meant we used, you"

"They don't work every time. And we were very drunk that night."

"Right. So, now what?"

"I don't know."

"Well, take your time. Think it over and know that I will be there for you, no matter what you choose."

"Choose? What are you talking about?"

"If you wanna keep the baby or not. It's a very big decision-"

"I am keeping it. The baby."

"Are you sure? Don't you want to think it over some more?"

"No. I am keeping the baby. No discussions there."

"Then I guess I'm going to be a father. Holy shit, I'm going to be a father."

He picked Katherine up and spun her around before kissing her. 

She pulled back her face and said, "Put me down, you big doofus. I'm pregnant."

He put her down and looked a little embarrassed. 

"So what does this mean for us?"

"Well, you have the permission to court me."

"Do I now?"

"Yeah, you do."

"And what about the boys? What do we tell them?"

"The truth. They are going to have a younger sibling."

Later, after dinner.

"Boys, we need to talk. We need to tell you something important."

"Are you guys finally dating?"

Surprisingly, it was Cass who said this and not Zeke.

"What do you mean by 'finally dating'?

"I mean, there was this weird...tension between the two of after the gala."

"He's right. I don't know if anybody else noticed it. We did become very sensitive to emotions after our evolution. So we could sense that something was going on between the two of you. But it felt very awkward till this morning. Somehow, the awkwardness is gone now. Hence the question, are you guys finally dating?"

"About that, I am pregnant."

"You're what?"

"Pregnant. You guys will have a younger sibling in about eleven months."

[Neo-Human pregnancies last for twelve months instead of nine.]

That's...great news. Congratulations, you guys." They all hugged and Zeke secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Unfortunately for him, Katherine saw that.

"Zeke, why did you do that?"

"Why did I do what?"

"That sigh of relief."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do. Now tell me, what do you know?"

Zeke clicked his tongue. He had been caught.

"Weeell....I kind of knew that you would get pregnant."

"And you didn't tell us?"

"First of all, it wasn't my place. I didn't want to influence your personal life with my knowledge of the future. Second, it happened way later. That was unexpected even for me."

"You did good. But do tell me the gender of the baby."

"I don't know."


"In the other Zeke's memories, you had a baby girl. But you got pregnant way ahead of schedule, so I don't know."

"You guys should probably go to a doctor tomorrow."

"Yeah, we will."

The next day, they went to a doctor and Cass and Zeke spent the day with Leonel perfecting their cultivating techniques. Well, Zeke and Leonel perfected the techniques, while Cass gave ideas. A child's imagination has no limits and is sometimes the best inspiration.

That night, they completed the first stages of the cultivation techniques.


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you like the novel.

The official art will take some time because, one, I don't know any illustrators. And two, I am broke. But I would love to see your fan art. Who knows, maybe I'll choose the official art from them. 

Leave reviews and comments because I love it when you guys interact with me.

Shout-out to @Suctiom, @romance_guy and @ASURA for being some of the first five members of the Discord server.

I have already uploaded the race description of Sol Angels and Ash Demons on Discord. I will also post the description of the Neo-Nephilims there so do check it out.

Join our community on Discord for sneak peeks of future chapters, exclusive content, and other stuff. I actively come online to chat with you guys. The first five members get a shout-out in the next ten chapters.

I'm happy to announce that this book now supports voting.

So gimme them Power Stones.

Check my other novel out on my Patreon. 

Chaos Chronicles: Rise of the Cosmic Archon

Thanks for the support guys.

See you next time