Chapter 104: The Story

The whole family had a nice dinner. Even the babies didn't fuss at all—until Zeke or Cass had to hand them to someone else, that is. Then they cried up a storm. It was funny, honestly, because they would stop crying as soon as Zeke and Cass took them back.

After paying the bill for the meals and leaving a big tip, they left. Once they returned home, Katherine put the babies to sleep and joined everyone in the living room. 

She said, "So… tell me everything."

Zeke asked, "Right now?"

Katherine said, "Yes. Don't think I didn't notice what happened in the restaurant. What was that bloodlust?"

Cass said, "Even I'm curious about that. I saw something when we were in that weird place as well."

Katherine said, "You're not one to talk, mister. At least Zeke was just exhibiting his killing intent. You, on the other hand, would have killed him right there and then. In a single move, no less. Not to mention, you perfectly hid your killing intent."