
I followed the ambulance to the hospital. Katherine rode with Stephen. I would drive her back to the school later, or she'd call a taxi if she needed. All I knew was we were getting Stephen out of that house. And I felt horrible because my instincts had been right.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot, locked my car, grabbed my bag with my camera and files in it and walked into the emergency department. I could hear Stephen crying as soon as I walked in. Evidently he'd woken up. He was screaming and crying and I could only assume he was having his shoulder looked at.

I went to the back of the department and checked in with the nurse. I told her who I was, who I was there for and she pointed me to where Stephen was. One of the officers had come along as well.

The nurses and doctors were trying to calm Stephen down, but it seemed like he was in too much pain.

"We're going to give him something for the pain, and hopefully we'll be able to get some x-rays," the doctor said. "Where are his parents?"

"He's under care of the State," I said. "I'm his guardian for now."

The doctor nodded.

"You're able to give consent for treatment?"

"Yes," I said.

"Okay. We'll defer to you."

"I need you to do a full body X-ray," I said. The doctor looked at me and looked at Stephen, whose cries had diminished as the painkiller took effect. He was starting to fall asleep. No doubt the kid was exhausted. He couldn't have been sleeping well with that shoulder.

"I'm sure," the doctor said, looking at the bruises on Stephen. "We'll get that done for sure."

The police officer took notes. I took photos of Stephen's bruises and scars for my own report.

Finally, they took the sleeping boy down for X-rays while I waited in the emergency department for his return.

I made notes to include in my report and went into the lounge to use the phone and call into the office. We'd need to find care for Stephen when he left the hospital. From the looks of that shoulder, it might be a couple of days at minimum.

I went back to Stephen's little area and waited. He was brought back about an hour later, and was fast asleep. I looked at this small boy and wondered how anyone could treat a child so horrifically.

I sat by his side, knowing if he woke up soon, he was going to be scared.

A while later, the doctor came into the area, closed the curtain around Stephen's bed, and turned on a light box on the wall.

"That shoulder is indeed broken," he said, showing me the X-ray of Stephen's shoulder. "However, it clearly was broken before today. It's started the healing process. We're going to have to do surgery, rebreak it, set it and probably put some pins in. He should get full use of it once it heals."

I nodded. Unsurprising.

"But," the doctor continues and pulled out a number of films. "I'm seeing several healed fractures that were clearly never treated. I'm seeing three, four, five previously broken ribs."

He pointed as he counted.

"Oh. Scratch that. Six. He's also had a fractured tibia that was never treated. Miraculously, it actually healed alright. It's not straight but I feel rebreaking and resetting that bone would do more damage than good. It doesn't seem to have affected his growth or mobility."

"No, I suppose not," I agreed. I'd never seen Stephen have any issues walking or running.

"We had our child sexual assault team examine him while we were downstairs. There is evidence of recent anal penetration."

I was nauseated. Alex. It had to be. I shook my head.

"Coupled with the new and healing bruises, the cigarette burns and scars, this child has been abused pretty much since birth. When did you become involved in his case?"

I sighed.

"I've only been his social worker for just under a year. There were concerns when the new boyfriend showed up in November," I said. "My interactions have been fairly minimal until the last few months. April, maybe?"

"They did a really good job of hiding this all from you," the doctor said.

"Not that that makes this any better," I said.

"Well, we're going to take him for surgery tonight and he'll be taken up to the pediatric ward. We'll get our team to work with him and I expect we'll see you as well?"

I nodded.

"I'll be back in the morning," I said. The police had told me that until Stephen's mother and her boyfriend were arrested, they'd be posting an officer with him for his own protection. And as much as I'd like to, I couldn't stay overnight. I wasn't allowed. I hated leaving Stephen alone in a hospital where he no doubt would be scared, but he was in good hands.

Checking that Stephen was asleep, I gave the doctors my contact information and pager number told them that I was their point of contact. They were to contact me immediately if there was any issues whatsoever.

I unhappily got into my car and drove home.

Chris was waiting when I let myself into our apartment.

"You're late," he observed. "And forgive me, but you look like hell. What happened? Rough day?"

"You have no idea. You remember that little boy I was worried about over the weekend?"

"I do. Is he the reason you're so late?"

I nodded.

"His mother broke his shoulder and left it untreated all weekend. His teachers noticed it was deformed and swollen and mentioned he cried out when anyone touched it. But that isn't the worst of what we found."

"Oh no," Chris said. "You said something wasn't right there."

"I can't get into it, you know that, but hopefully, with the evidence we have, I can finally make sure he is safe."

"I hope so. Come. I made dinner. Put the kid out of your head for tonight. Tonight is just you, me, my famous pasta a la vodka and a lovely Chianti. Tomorrow is another day and I'm guessing you'll be with him all day again."

I nodded again.

"I'm his advocate for now. So yeah. I have to get a home for him once he's out of the hospital."

Chris gave me a hug, kissed my head and looked lovingly in my eyes.

"You're a wonderful social worker and you care so much. You're going to burn yourself out. Be careful, okay?"

"I will," I said.