The World's Invaders

The halls was quiet, the air heavy with an unspoken tension. Songtain sat across from his master.

"Master," Songtain began hesitantly, his brows furrowed in thought. "The Celestial Dragon Sect... they are said to be the hope of the world. But what does that truly mean?"

Master Gedrick's eyes gleamed with a serious intensity as he regarded his disciple. "Songtain," he said, his voice steady, "what do you think it means?"

Startled by the sudden question, Songtain paused, considering his words carefully. "Master, the concept is rather vague. If the Celestial Dragon Sect is known as the hope of the world, then that must mean something—or rather, someone—is a threat to the world."

Gedrick nodded, his expression grim. "Your assumption is spot on. For a sect to be considered the world's hope, there must indeed be something that threatens it. And that something is known as the World's Invaders."

Songtain felt a chill run down his spine at the mention of the invaders. His master's tone, usually calm and composed, had taken on a grave seriousness that filled the room with an oppressive weight.

"The World's Invaders..." Songtain repeated, his voice barely a whisper. "Who are they?"

Master Gedrick leaned back slightly, his gaze distant as if recalling a memory from long ago. "These invaders," he began, "come from beyond our world. They invade other realms to conquer them—or destroy them. There are countless worlds outside of our own, Songtain. During my youth, I had the chance to travel beyond our world, traversing the vast expanse of the multiverse, crossing paths with diverse realms and civilizations."

He paused, his expression darkening as he continued. "One fateful day, I stumbled upon a desolate world, scarred by the remnants of a cataclysmic event. The once-blue skies were now a dull gray, and the land was littered with ruins."

Songtain listened intently, his heart pounding in his chest. He could almost see the desolate world his master described, a place stripped of life and hope.

"As I explored the ravaged world," Gedrick went on, "I discovered a hidden sanctuary, shielded from the outside by ancient formations. Within, I encountered a faint, ethereal presence—the remnant soul of a man. The soul, sensing my curiosity, began to narrate the tale of their world's downfall."

The room seemed to grow colder as Gedrick's voice took on a somber tone. "Invasion... by beings from other realms," he recounted, echoing the soul's words. "Their world, once thriving, was ravaged by these marauders. Amidst the chaos, a sect emerged, determined to defend their home—the Celestial Dragon Sect."

Songtain felt a mix of awe and dread as he listened. The Celestial Dragon Sect had always been revered, but to hear that they had once faced such dire circumstances was both inspiring and terrifying.

"They were their world's hope, their protectors," Gedrick continued, his voice heavy with the weight of history. "With unwavering dedication, they fought valiantly against the invaders. But their cultivation method, though powerful, was also their downfall. Few could endure the trials, and their numbers dwindled."

As the tale unfolded, Gedrick reached into his robes and produced a small, intricately carved ring. He held it out to Songtain, his expression unreadable. "This storage ring," he said, "contains the legacy of the Celestial Dragon Sect. Their knowledge, techniques, and secrets are preserved within. Though that world is lost, perhaps their spirit can live on through you."

Songtain accepted the ring with trembling hands, his mind reeling from the weight of the story and the responsibility now placed upon him. He could feel the echoes of the past resonating within the ring, a silent testament to the sacrifices made by those who came before him.

"Master," Songtain asked cautiously, "have you ever seen these World's Invaders?"

Gedrick's eyes met his, and Songtain could see the reflection of old battles in their depths. "Yes," his master replied, his voice a low rumble, "I have seen them. They nearly destroyed our world some years ago."

Songtain's breath caught in his throat. The idea that such a catastrophe had almost befallen their world left him momentarily speechless. "Then... why wasn't our world destroyed?"

Gedrick's gaze hardened as he spoke, his voice filled with a quiet resolve. "Let me tell you my story, Songtain. I was once known as the world's strongest cultivator—Gedrick Lazar."

Songtain's eyes widened in shock and awe. "You are the Emperor Gedrick Lazar," he whispered, his voice trembling with excitement, "the first emperor of the Central Continent and the only human all the other races respect."

A soft chuckle escaped Gedrick's lips, though his eyes remained serious. "Yes, I am he. But even though I was the strongest cultivator in our world, there were others—much stronger—outside our world."

He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in before continuing. "The cultivation ranks we know—Mortal Rank, Warrior Rank, Transcendent Rank—are limited to our world. But there are other ranks above these. Calamity Rank, Divine Rank..."

Songtain's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the implications. "At what rank were the invaders?"

Gedrick's face grew dark as he answered. "Those invaders called themselves the Supreme Race of Lackataka. They came with 300 Transcendent Rank experts, led by three Calamity Rank experts."

Songtain's heart pounded in his chest as he grasped the enormity of what his master was saying. The sheer number of experts, the overwhelming power they must have possessed—it was almost too much to fathom.

"We fought them," Gedrick said, his voice filled with a deep, weary sorrow. "We lost many experts. I even offered my life to seal them away and protect our world, sealing it off to prevent further invasions. But the formations that seal them are weakening."

He fixed Songtain with a stern, unwavering gaze. "The world will remain at peace for another ten years. But after that, the seal will break, and the invaders will return. My disciple, you must prepare yourself to defend this world."

Songtain's mind whirled with emotions—fear, determination, awe. The responsibility laid before him was immense, but he could feel the weight of his master's legacy resting on his shoulders. He had been reborn into this world, hoping for peace, but now, he knew that peace would only come through strength and sacrifice.

"Damn it," Songtain thought, a mix of frustration and resolve filling him. "Here I thought I would enjoy my reincarnation peacefully, but now I'm being dragged into a plot twist. Such a pain… but no pain, no gain."

Settling his mind, he nodded solemnly to his master. "I understand, Master. I will train, I will grow stronger, and I will be ready to defend this world."

Gedrick smiled, a rare expression of pride and hope. "Good, Songtain. You have the heart of a true cultivator. The path ahead will be arduous, but I believe in you. Together, we will prepare for the coming storm."

As Songtain clenched the storage ring in his hand, he knew that his journey was only beginning. The legacy of the Celestial Dragon Sect, the threat of the World's Invaders, and the responsibility to protect all he held dear—it was a heavy burden, but one he was determined to bear.

The countdown had begun. Ten years of peace remained. And in that time, Songtain would forge himself into the world's greatest hope.