043. Not Willing to Settle_1

Adam Jones watched her retreating figure, his eyes gradually growing deeper.

Cats and dogs...

That damn woman, she actually dared to compare him to cats and dogs.

Sophie Baker saw that Adam Jones's face had become extremely somber, and she couldn't help feeling secretly pleased.

Elly Campbell's attitude was practically suicidal, pushing Adam Jones away with all her might while giving Sophie an ample opportunity to draw closer to him.

She cautiously looked at Adam Jones and whispered apologetically, "I'm sorry, Adam, I didn't mean to upset your sister on purpose. I just didn't want there to be any misunderstandings between you two because of me."

Adam Jones was already exceedingly irritable. Sophie's little schemes in front of him only added to his annoyance.

"Don't worry about it, your presence won't affect my relationship with her."

With a cold expression, he dropped these words and left without looking back.