173.Doing things_1

Elly Campbell opened the email and looked through it carefully before calling Mr. Ainley back.

"Mr. Ainley, I've read the email, and there are no problems, we can proceed as you said," she said.

When it came to work matters, Elly Campbell would naturally become engrossed, to the point where she forgot that her foot still couldn't bear weight. She was on the phone with Mr. Ainley and stood up from the dining chair.

"Ok, I'll go take care of it in the study now."

Upon seeing her movement, Adam Jones frowned instantly. As soon as Elly's foot touched the ground, the pain made her immediately retract it, and she started to fall to the ground, unsteady.

Fortunately, Adam was seated close to her, and before she could hit the floor, he caught her in his arms.