178. Never cared about_1

Do you really not mind?

Elly Campbell had never felt a slap in the face so quick and so painful.

She claimed not to care about Adam Jones, but when she heard Sophie Baker's voice coming from Adam's phone, a surge of bitterness and pain swept over her like a violent storm, catching her off guard.

The pain she felt when Adam Jones told her to get out of the Jones Family and make room for Sophie Baker was like a sharp knife, cutting into her heart.

It was at that moment she deeply understood that even after so many years, she still couldn't let go of Adam Jones, not even a little bit.

That kind of love was deep in her bones; it had occupied her childhood, her youth, her everything.

Such an engraving in her marrow, even if she tried hard to erase, could never be eradicated. The scars would forever exist.
