192. Who are you showing this mournful face to_1

Elly Campbell's gaze remained cool as she looked at herself, and after a moment, she laughed, "I haven't even been made official yet, and you're already daydreaming."

She took a step forward, perhaps still carrying the leftover authority of her previous demeanor; as Elly Campbell stepped closer, Sophie Baker was frightened into unconsciously stepping back several paces, her expression one of wariness as she looked at Elly, "What do you want to do?"

Elly Campbell's lips curled into a smile, "Sophie, after all this time, you still haven't made any progress, always picking up things I've discarded to show off in front of me. Just a Campbell company... do you think I covet that?"

Sophie Baker's face darkened, "You..."

"However, though I'm not interested in Campbell, you should know that I'm innately domineering. Even the things I don't want, I won't easily hand over to others. If you want to pick them up, you still need my approval, don't you?"