222. Missies doesn't fancy second-hand goods_1

This statement made Adam Jones extremely uncomfortable. Her tone of concern for Doctor Matt made him sick with jealousy.

He had exhausted himself during the night shift, he had stayed up all night for her. Why didn't she ask if he was worn out?

Adam Jones kept a cold face and stayed silent, his aura turning decidedly colder.

James Churchill could tell that Elly Campbell was rushing him to leave. Although he felt a tinge of disappointment, he didn't want to make her feel uneasy.

Adam was a real hypocrite, allowing himself to flirt with other women but forbidding Elly from having too much interaction with other men. Where did he get that sense of superiority?

"Okay, I'll take off then. Call me if you need anything."

"I'm here, so even if Elly has any issues, I'll take care of them. Doctor Matt should head back and get some rest."

Adam Jones interrupted, his face cold, wishing James Churchill would just disappear immediately.