243. This baby fears nothing_1

Hearing Adam Jones call out to him, little William Campbell's gaze shifted toward Adam, his dark pupils blinking innocently twice.

Utterly fearless!

Because his daddy had forcibly separated him from mommy downstairs earlier, which had already upset him, William now saw Adam as nothing more than a big hoof, definitely not his daddy.

Thinking this way, little William straightened his tiny back, stuck out his neck, and said, "Daddy, mommy said she doesn't like you, so I'm definitely going to find someone she does like to take care of her."

Adam Jones clenched his molars, truly wanting to disassemble this little brat's bones.

He walked over to William, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and lifted him up like a kitten, "Son, let's have a good talk."

As William was held aloft by his own father, his arms and legs thrashed futilely, appearing both pitifully weak and helpless...

"Adam Jones, put William down."