275. Bao Xiaosan exudes a sense of superiority_1

Adam Jones, this man, although he was James Campbell's junior, every time faced him, James always felt as if he were slightly shorter in comparison. With each encounter, that oppressive feeling intensified.

Melody Baker and Sophie Baker, originally thinking they had the backing of James Campbell to deal with Elly Campbell, never expected Elly to be together with Adam Jones.

Especially since they could distinctly feel that Adam Jones arrived with a barely concealed displeasure.

"What a coincidence, CEO Campbell?"

Adam Jones's eyebrows moved slightly as he looked toward James Campbell, while the Baker mother and daughter were outright ignored by him.

James Campbell's expression was awkward, his gaze inadvertently sweeping over to Elly's face and noticing her disdain, which immediately provoked his anger.

Seeking to recover his dignity from being overshadowed by Adam Jones, he looked to gain ground through Elly, even though he really didn't have much confidence deep down.