344. After all, it's a human life_1

They had known each other for a few years by now, yet they had never seen anyone so afraid of a single person, especially when that person was just a lawyer.

"What kind of lawyer has the power to scare you like this?"

Mr. Wood's eyebrows twitched violently as unease began to settle in his heart.

"Old Mr. Wood, didn't you hear the last name I introduced him by?"

Mr. Wood paused for a moment before his face turned deathly pale as he suddenly realized something, "Hall? Could it be that Hall… the Hall Family?"

There was an evident tremor in his voice.

In Boston, having wealth meant you could strut around, and having both wealth and power meant you could strut even more arrogantly.

But families like the Jones and Hall, they could no longer be simply described as wealthy and powerful, and yet he had managed to offend someone from the Hall Family.

The phrase "it's getting cold" by Harry Hall suddenly flashed through his mind, causing his heart to quake even more violently.