354. Why do I have to explain myself to you_1

He wasn't exactly sure what had happened back then, but he believed that Adam couldn't have chosen to believe something based solely on a word or two from Sophie.

However, he didn't ask what level of investigation had been reached, after all, recalling the incident from those years wasn't a pleasant memory, especially since it involved Elly Campbell.

Helen Melendy, seeing that Harry Hall couldn't come up with an answer, didn't press further. She struggled forcefully a couple of times and wrenched her hand free from Harry's grip, saying:

"I'm going to find Elly, you keep an eye on that pig, Adam Jones."

But as she turned to leave, her wrist was caught again by Harry Hall.

"What are you doing now?"

"You haven't explained the situation at the club clearly to me, and now you're planning to just walk away?"