377. Give me back William Campbell_1

Or maybe, he had thought of it too, but pretended to be deaf and mute, simply going with the flow and agreed to Elly Campbell's request, to marry her?

After the surprise, there came deeper self-reproach and sympathy.

Just how deeply in love was Elly back then, that she would joke about the entire Campbell corporation just to marry him?

And how did he respond to her each time?

Thinking about it, Adam Jones's heart ached as if it were being pierced by needles.

He looked at Elly, the words to ask for forgiveness were on the tip of his tongue, yet he just couldn't bring himself to say them out loud.

No matter what, the things he did back then were real, and his mistakes were thorough. He didn't want to refute anything, but Elly's words "let's end it here" tugged at his heart, making him anxious and pained.

When Elly was about to leave once again, Adam called out to her, "Elly."