407. Money can do whatever you want_1

James Campbell charged forward, blocking Melody Baker's path, his face contorted with rage as he glared at Elly Campbell.

By then, Elly had already let go of Melody Baker's hand and was wiping her own with a handkerchief passed by a servant, rubbing it several times as if it had been tainted with "dirty things."

"Don't worry, it's just a sprain, no bones are hurt, a little ointment will do."

Her tone sounded exceptionally gentle, and had one not seen her twist Melody Baker's hand, they might have truly believed she was just a doctor treating an injury.

Elly Campbell was a doctor, familiar with human anatomy, so if she said Melody Baker had only sprained a muscle and not broken any bones, it meant that the bones were indeed unharmed.

Yet, Melody Baker was in agony, her face ghastly pale as she leaned against James Campbell, trembling all over in pain, her eyes glaring at Elly Campbell with a cold hostility.