612. President Jones's dog food is tasty and filling_1

She had no idea that if it weren't for the fact that she was still a senior and Harry Hall's mother, those few humiliating words she initially said to Elly Campbell would have made Adam Jones cripple her long ago.

With fury boiling in her eyes, Leanne Richards glared at Adam Jones's serene face. After several contortions of her features, before she could open her mouth, Adam Jones delivered her another stunning blow—


"Does Aunt Hall still want to stay here and compare family status with my wife?"

Remembering Adam's earlier words, "My wife is my sky," Leanne was once again consumed by frustration, unable to even breathe properly.

She dared not confront Adam Jones directly but turned back to throw a fierce glare at Elly Campbell and Helen Melendy before storming off, fuming with rage.

"Wait a minute."

Just as Leanne Richards turned to leave, Elly Campbell called out to her.

"What now?!"