A new weapon?

Walking into the blacksmiths storefront, Neil was amazed at how large the space was. Hundreds of people were walking around and looking at all the different weapons. The space was gigantic like a whole mansion, or at least the first floor. Heading down the stairs of the front door Neil just stood in awe as people continued to try and get through. 

"HEY, move it kid. Stop gawking and keep walking. We all want to get a look. Those new weapons are going to be the best of the best. I can't wait!" An older man said impatiently. It was clear that he just wanted to look at the weapons already. 

Walking forward without saying anything Neil walks into the main gallery. The walls covered in swords, axes, bows, war hammers, whips, spears, daggers, and other weapons. There were even some unique weapons like sickles and tridents. Each weapon glowing with power. Each weapon had a price written on a board and a call button.

Assuming the call button meant he was ready to by Neil didn't push any just yet. His father didn't teach him to wield any weapons so he asked his old local blacksmith to make him a training sword and dagger just so he could learn how to hunt prey. It took him a couple months just to be able to afford the crap weapons. His old fart didn't even give him any money he had to earn it himself. He even cut the price down by working for the blacksmith. He was only able to make dull iron weapons but he still needed a forge and materials. 

Walking through the store he was amazed again and again by the quality of weapons on display. Compared to his home village these were like the tools of nobles. And here he was looking at them like they were just common cabbages on a street vendors store. Nothing like these weapons would ever be created back at his home village. Looking at the price tag however he almost fainted. The cost was up in the hundreds of gold. Some even selling with platinum, the highest currency available to mortals. Most cultivators didn't even have access to these coins.

Realizing he couldn't pay for most of these weapons Neil looked for less expensive weapons. "You aren't going to find any super cheap weapons here kid." A bulky old man said as he saw Neil's expression. "The lowest you might find is the mess ups down at the end of the hall. Their still good but just not good enough to display in the open. Hell, in some people's eyes they would be masterpieces."

Neil, nodding without comment, headed towards the back of the store. He hadn't even reached the first level of cultivation, let alone having the strength to earn money efficiently. This old man was in charge of watching the weapons from thieves, so he was definitely not a normal old man.

Walking down the hallway he noticed a door which was crowded by younger teens. Probably hoping to get a weapon without too much damage to their coin. Walking along he noticed an older man, with more strength than the other older man. 

"Your only allowed to look. If you want to buy, then come talk to me and I'll mark it down on my clipboard." The old man shouted as he opened the door. Walking into the smaller room, which was still big enough to hold over a hundred people comfortably, Neil looked at the plaques and he saw costs in the silvers. Still Enough to put a hole in his pocket but not enough to make him not be able to eat. 

Walking throughout the building, Neil started thinking about what weapon he wanted to use and master for the rest of his life. He walked, lost in thought, for close to 15 minutes. Realizing that he was wasting time Neil looked at the weapons in front of him. A rusty old sword, a bow looking well used, and a battle worn shield with nicks everywhere on it. As a set these weapons costed around 10 silver. The stand that held those items looked so brittle that it might just snap under the weight of the weapons. 

"HEY! That sword is mine!" A young man yells as he pushes an older, middle-aged man out of the way. The old man stumbles out of the walkway. It was clear that the old man was just looking at the different weapons. Looking at the young man Neil remembered him as the boy who tried threatening them at the information guild, just to run away with piss running down his pants. 

Watching the altercation, Neil and others around them looked at the bulky old man at the door to see if he would do anything to stop the altercation. But nothing happened, the old man just sat on his stool with his eyes closed doing nothing. The young man grabbed the middle-aged man and threw him down the hallway. Seeing that the old man wouldn't interfere in some "punishments" the young man started scolding him. 

"YOU a mere COMMONER dares to act like that with ME HIFFLAR GEN RANCOR son of LORD RANCOR. You shall be punished by me personally because of this disrespect. FALL!" Using his legendary cringe, Hifflar pushes the middle-aged man into the brittle stand that looks like it could break apart with a mere gust of wind.

Immediately the stand crumbles and the weapons crash to the ground making a loud sound. Everyone in the room looks at the disturbance. The air itself as quiet as a mouse. Neil almost got knocked into but luckily fell to the floor out of the way just in time. Then Neil heard a noise.

-Understanding of space +.5%-

-You have developed a slight affinity towards the space element- 

-You should investigate the different impacts this has on you-

"Excuse me young man, are you alright?" the old man asks Neil. "You fell to the floor because you tried to ignore their scuffle, did you not?" Neil looks to see the same old man with the clipboard holding out his hand to help Neil up. "Sorry, yes sir I was just trying to move out of the way. I didn't want any trouble."

"Who do you think started this mess?" The old man asked. Neil stood there silent for a second. It was pretty clear to him who started the mess. Did the old man want to see if he thought like a noble or like a commoner? What did the old man think?

"Well if we look at one side the middle-aged man was just walking down the hallway looking at the weapons. He was just walking like the rest of us. On the other side however, this young man was looking at that weapon and the middle-aged man got in the way. Although he may have overreacted, he just wanted to claim the sword until he bought it." 

"Hmm... meh ok then let's get rid of them both."

-You have witnessed an ability manipulating space. Your affinity has increased by +.1%-

Instantly the young man and the middle-aged man disappeared. They couldn't even retort the old man's words because they were gone with just a blink. "There, problem solved. For your compensation I'll suggest a weapon for you. I noticed that you were wandering a lot more than everyone else, so I'll help you with this." The old man started to think as he closed his eyes. 

"I am going to suggest that you use a spear. Your body is well honed and can support the weight distribution of it. The spear is a very strong weapon that isn't difficult to learn but extremely difficult to master."

"How much does it cost?" Neil asks hesitantly. Although he should have plenty of money just to live for a while, he didn't have enough to call himself rich. At most a couple gold coins and a bag full of silvers and coppers. 

"This spear is at.... 53 silvers." The old man replies. "And you can just call me Ferri. I'm the brother of the stupid blacksmith that made all of these." Standing up from his chair, the old monster gazed down at Neil. "Sorry sir but umm... 53 silvers would put me a little too close to the poverty line. Do you have anything else that you could suggest?" 

"Sure, sure. If you want something cheaper while getting something better than that sword you have at your waist then I could suggest some of the unfinished swords with full tangs. You would just need to find someone who could make you a proper handle. That will cost around 30 silvers because it is still an unfinished project with minimal flaws." Old Man Ferri said as Neil walked towards him.

Neil, frantically picking through his coin purse trying to find those last couple of silvers, didn't notice that he didn't stop walking towards him. Neil was so focused on the coins that he didn't stop until he was a couple inches away from him. 

"Ah here!" Neil said while taking the sword. Realizing he was going to be late at this rate. "I have to get to work!"